måndag 28 juli 2014

Danska judar har inte behövt fly sedan 1943...

Det hör inte till vanligheterna att jag rakt av lägger in någon annan människas text på ett annat språk. Men jag finner följande rapport från Köpenhamn så intressant att jag gör det nu. Hela artikeln kan du läsa hos Frontpage via länken.

Köpenhamnsmiljö. Foto: Astrid Nydahl
Från Frontpage Magazine:

 About 250 participants in a rally for peace had to seek refuge in the courtyard of the Danish Parliament. The demonstrators, who were mostly Jews, many Danish supporters of Israel as well as a few democratic exile-Iranians, had gathered in a joint rally supporting peace in the Middle-East on the Christiansborgs Slotsplads, the square in front of the Houses of parliament. The rally was organized by the Danish Zionist Organization and the Frit Iran (Free Iran) organization in Denmark. …
The Police couldn’t guarantee any longer for the security of the participants in the rally, due to increasing threats from young Muslim troublemakers who were clustering in ever louder and violent groups nearby and even driving past in their cars shouting anti-Semitic slogans, waving Hamas flags…
When I approached the Parliament square to take part in the peaceful rally, a small group of young Muslim men hastened along Gammel Strand, in my old neighbourhood in the heart of Copenhagen…
On the way to Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish Parliament, they had chanted “Death to the Jews” and “Fucking Jews”…
The thugs, who the Danish Police kept away from the Peace-demonstration in front of the Danish Parliament, carried the flag of Hamas. A group of about 150 of them was held back by the Police. Some managed though, to get less than 10 meters away from the Peace-rally, where some of them were effectively apprehended by the Copenhagen police. While taking photographs of the  arrested troublemakers one of the yelled at me. “Dit zionistsvin; Din “Jyde” [a flawed pronunciation] of jøde= Jew]; Jeg vil hugge hovedet af dig” /Transl. You  Zionist pig; You Jew; I am going to behead you”….
The participants in the peaceful Jewish/Christian/Iranian rally were asked to leave the location of the rally due to security measures. The police urged the participants to seek shelter in the back court of the Danish house of Parliament. Here the police announced that the participants could walk away on their own responsibility or take a guarded Police bus, which would drive them to a secure location. The participators, mostly elderly Jews, had to flee the scene of their peaceful rally. Some of them hadn’t fled anything since 1943,